Holy Crap, it WORKED!!!!!

So pumped right now… SO pumped! As you may recall, I have been talking about this waitress that I have been interested in. I was presented with a dilemma on how to ask her out since she probably gets hit on and asked out all the time by drunk guys. In the attempt to be different, I went to the restaurant 6 or 7 times for a drink with friends or to grab some food. Each time I would sit in her section and make an effort to have pleasant conversation.

Well, yesterday I went for dinner with my roommate. After dinner, I decided that it seemed like a good time to ask her out…

I’m happy to say that I have a future date with her coming up (she has been added to the dating prospect list). While on the subject I changed the status of Emily since it has been a while since we have gone on a date.

One Response to “Holy Crap, it WORKED!!!!!”

  1. Congrats. Let us know how it turned out.

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