Archive for the blogging Category

Trying REAL hard not to screw this up

Posted in blogging, dating, humor, life, love, personal, relationships, sex, women with tags on November 29, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

It has been a while… and man a lot has happened. I don’t know if I have the time or patience to spell it all out… the list of prospective dates needs to be updated tremendously! haha

so here’s the thing… I think I might be on my way to a relationship !?!??! who would have guessed right? I’ll write another post about it when I have more time (im on my way out)… but if anyone still reads this thing, let it be known that I actually did something right and I’m trying REAL hard not to mess it up with this girl.

How to get some Easy Date Money

Posted in blogging, dating, life, love, men, money, personal, relationships, women with tags , on July 31, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

So with all these dates I’ve been on, you would think that I’m strapped for cash… thinking that this might happen, I decided to look around the millions of stupid scams on the internet that claim they are the next best thing blah blah blah

Well, I will share the one that I found that works. Here’s how you know it’s legit… it actually PAYS you! (The picture on this blog is a screen shot of my earnings from about a week ago, you can click on it for a larger image).

No, I’m not getting rich from this, not in the least bit. But I haven’t had to dig into my own pocket for date cash, so I’m satisfied.

It’s free to join (as far as I know), so if you fill out the little form on the first page you can get started. Also, you can ask me any questions you want and I can help out the best I can.

as far as my life has been going so far…

Its been a while since I’ve posted… I’ll admit, I’ve been busy with my job (just started it up), so my focus has been on that instead of this blog… and girls.

As far as the girl front goes, I have a wedding I’m going to this weekend and I’m taking a date – should be a good time 🙂 I have a couple of potential dates with new girls I’ve met here… oh and I had a little kissing session with a girl on my co-ed soccer team. But nothing new to report. Hope all is well!

Complimenting Power

Posted in blogging, dating, humor, life, love, men, personal, relationships, sex, women with tags , , , on July 12, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

It wasn’t until recently that I realized the significance of the insignificant. Of course, I am referring to the everyday compliment. The past few months I have been dishing out more compliments to girls I am friends with and the ones I am dating… and man, they eat it UP!

I don’t think us guys compliment girls enough because when I do dish one out, it changes their mood completely – it’s a weird phenomenon.

For example, I was going in to get my haircut the other day. While waiting for my stylist to finish up, I noticed she was looking really good. She had on one of those yellow, t-shirt material dresses that went down to just above her knees. I definately find her attractive, and wouldn’t even mind a date with her, but over the past year her and I have just been friends… only seeing each other when I come in every 6 weeks for a clean up.

Well, she came over to get me and as we were walking to the seat, I said:

I really like you dress, it looks great on you

Thats it. That is all I said. But man, you would have thought I just gave her three dozen fresh roses! She lit up immediately and became more chatty, quick to giggle, and overall flirty with me the entire time I was there!

Needless to say, complimenting has some major advantages. I highly recommend it… and girls, do it to guys as well. No one compliments anyone these days, so when you do, it makes you stick out (in a good way). If you’re gonna compliment a guy, say something about his muscles or ability to fix/do something. This may seem kind of cliche, but us guys like to be recognized for those types of things (why do think guys are always trying to fix a problem instead of just listen to the problem! It’s how our minds work).

Something along the lines of, “your shoulders look really big in that shirt” will do just fine… Or perhaps, “I can’t believe you were able to fix that so quick”. I promise you that it will work wonders.

As for the fellas, start complimenting the ladies on how they look. Besides, they put in a lot of effort to look good … let them know you noticed!

I can only speak from my experience, but after dishing out compliments on clothing, hair, smiles, etc., I have had a lot more success in getting dates. Just a thought.

More than Just FireWorks

Posted in blogging, dating, life, love, personal, relationships, sex, women with tags , , , on July 8, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

So this weekend has been pretty busy… As I said, I spent a lot of time with Trish over the weekend. She is best friends with my best friend’s girlfriend, so the four of us were around each other for quite some time. We spent the first night getting drunk, watching fireworks, and swimming. The next night we went to the casino (I won $70) and then went back for some hot-tub and what not. At the end of the weekend, we all went canoing (brought some beers of course) and soaked up the sun while out on the river. Needless to say, it was a pretty awesome 3 days.

So here’s the thing. Me and Trish acted like a couple all weekend. I mean, it was obvious that we were both acting like we were dating each other. At the fireworks show, we cuddle all “couply” like and kissed whenever we could. I had no problem with this… in fact, Trish has something about her… she is so damn sexy… I just can’t explain it. Funny thing is, she isn’t really my type. I tend to go for the real thin, taller girls (not anorexic style… just maybe a little bit thinner than average). Trish is a bit ‘thicker’, but no one has ever made me so crazy! She’s just SO damn SEXY! haha

well… the weekend ended and with it, so did our 3 day relationship. I moved back to my new home city (where my job is) and she’s doing whatever. I must say though, I had a good time and I’ll definately be calling her up when I head back that way.

This New Pad is HOT!

Posted in blogging, dating, humor, life, love, personal, relationships, women with tags , on July 1, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

Quick update.  I’m in my new place right now and it feels great.  I had my furniture delivered today so I’ve been setting everything up.  Oh, and the cable/internet came today as well… obviously.  My pad is on its way to becoming a classy bachelor apartment.  Hopefully when I am done I can get some pictures to show.  Thanks for everyone who gave their input regarding brown shoes and black pants.  Surprisingly, I was the one who said you can’t do it (my mom thought you could match those two colors) – I knew I was right!

On a side note, I’ll be seeing that waitress tonight that I was talking about a while back (I’m going with a friend to get dinner at the place she works).  Keep your fingers crossed as I continue this pursuit.

I’m Moving…

Posted in blogging, dating, life, love, personal, relationships with tags on June 30, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

so that means there will not be any posts as I get my internet set up in my new place (could take a few days).  Sorry to the 2 people that come here regularly!   I promise I’ll be up and running again soon.

ps. I may get a good post out tonight, but doubt it.

Brown Shoes with Black Pants?

Posted in blogging, dating, life, love, men, personal, relationships, women with tags on June 29, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

questionsI have a debate going right now with my mother. I will not tell you who thinks what, but I need some of your input. Is it fashionably acceptable to where a brown belt and brown shoes with black slacks?

Thank you all for your input and for helping me settle this debate once and for all.

Saudi Arabia explains gender differences [VIDEO]

Posted in blogging, dating, humor, life, love, men, personal, relationships, women with tags , , , on June 28, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

haha, wow…

New Header… It’s the best I could do

Posted in blogging, dating, life, love, personal, relationships, women with tags on June 27, 2008 by Justin Ferriman

Added a picture to my header so I could be different than the other people who use the same template. Yeah, it’s nothing too spectacular, I know. That being said, I wanna get a cool custom header sometime but don’t really have the time to do that… or artistic ability.

If you are bored and a big time computer whiz and wanna make me one, just let me know and I’ll put it up! haha